Collections of participating institutions
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Afghani Herbarium
Armenian Herbarium
Azerbaijani Herbarium
Austrian Herbaria
- ADMONT // Benediktinerstift Admont, Naturhistorisches Museum
- GJO // Center of Natural History, Botany, Universalmuseum Joanneum, Graz
- GZU // Karl Franzes University of Graz
- GZU - general herbarium of phanerogamic plants with important incorporated collections, mostly former private herbaria e.g. Conrath (South Africa, Caucasus and SE-Europe), O. & I. Degener (Hawaii), Ecklon & Zeyher (South Africa), C. v. Ettingshausen, K. Fritsch, D.H.Hoppe, Josef (Anton) Kerner, F. Krašan, Lemperg, Nees ab Esenbeck, Nemetz (Flora Byzantina), M. Salzmann, Schmarda, Thwaites, Wallich, Wight, Woynar, G. Zenker.
- GZU - algae
- GZU - fungi and myxomycetes (single specimens, mainly collected by J. Poelt and his former students, as well as a few full sets and several substantial fragments of important exsiccata series)
- GZU - lichens
- GZU - lichenicolous fungi
- GZU - bryophytes
- GZU - plant fossil collection (former private collection of C. v. Ettingshausen)
- NBSI // Biologisches Forschungsinstitut für Burgenland,Biologische Station Neusiedler See,Illmitz
- W // Natural history Museum Vienna
- W - the general herbarium of phanerogamic plants
- W-Krypt - the general herbarium of kryptogamic plants
- WU // University of Vienna, [former] Institute for Botany
- WU-Generale - the general herbarium of phanerogamic plants
- WU-Halácsy-Europaeum / WU-Halácsy-Graecum - former private European & Greek herbaria of
Eugen von Halácsy
- WU-Keck - former private herbarium of Karl Keck
- WU-Kerner - former private herbarium of Anton Kerner von Marilaun
- WU-Melk - incorporated collections of the Monastery of Melk / Lower Austria
- WU-Pteridophytes, WU-Bryophyta-Musci, WU-Bryophyta-Hepaticae, WU-Algae,
WU-Mycologicum, WU-Fungi-Generale, WU-Carpologica, WU-Liquor,
- WUP // Department of Pharmacognosy, Universität Wien
Austrian Livingplants
Czech Herbaria
Georgian Herbarium
German Herbaria
Greek Herbarium
Iran Herbarium
Italian Herbarium
Montenegrinian Herbarium
Russian Herbaria
Salvadorian Herbarium
Turkish Herbarium
Ukrainian Herbaria
Personal Herbaria
- Herbarium Walter Gutermann (Wien, AT)
- Herbarium Peter Pilsl (Salzburg, AT)
- Herbarium Norbert Sauberer (Niederösterreich, AT)
- Herbarium Eckehard Willing (Brandenburg, DE)
Herbaria of Society