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Cryptogamic Plants

Herbarium of the Austrian Mycological Society (WU-Mycologicum)

The herbarium of the Austrian Mycological Society is part of the herbarium WU but autonomously managed by volunteers of the Mycological Society. Tight associations also exist to the Mycology Research Group. Loan requests should be addressed to the curator of the herbarium WU .
History: This collection was founded in 1979 on the initiative of Prof. Rolf Singer. The specimens almost exclusively consist of recent collections contributed by society members and members of the Institute of Botany, University of Vienna.
Number of specimens: ca. 22.000, partly documented with descriptions and slides. Annual accession rate is about 1.000 specimens. All specimens have been entered in the herbarium database and can be retrieved there.
Systematic focus: especially Agaricales s.l., Boletales, Poriales s.l., Gasteromycetes and operculate Discomycetes.
Geographic focus: mainly Eastern Austria and adjacent Central-European countries; smaller collections from Portugal, Mauritius, New Zealand, some Pacific Islands, the USA and Mexico.
Volunteer Curators: Anton Hausknecht, Wolfgang Klofac

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Last modified: 2006-Apr-11, HR