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34 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
  Crucianella gilanica subsp. kotschyi (Ehrend.) Ehrend.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Sintenis,P.E.E. Iter orientale 1890 28411890-07-01 Türkiye. Erzincan. Armenia turcica, Egin, JokardidaghIT JE 00005284
Crucianella gilanica subsp. elbursensis (Ehrend.) Ehrend. & Schönb.-Tem.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Kotschy,C.G.T. Plantae Persiae borealis 2131843-05-27 Iran, Islamic Republic of. Tehrān. Habitat in schistosos - vulcanicis prope Teheran ad pagum Derbent.HT W 0055999
Crucianella gilanica subsp. hirsuta (Ehrend.) Ehrend. & Schönb.-Tem.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Bornmüller,J.F.N. & Bornmüller,A. Iter persicum alterum 70761902-06-09 Iran, Islamic Republic of. Persia borealis: jugi Elbursensis in subalpina in valle Lur fluvii Keredsch. c 2200 m.s.m.T
W 0196093
Crucianella gilanica subsp. glauca (A. Rich. ex DC.) Ehrend.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Kotschy,C.G.T. Plantae Persiae australis 5781842-07-08 Iran, Islamic Republic of. Kohgīlūyeh va Bowyer Aḩmad. In rupestribus alpis Kuh-Daëna.IT W 0073252
Crucianella gilanica subsp. glauca (A. Rich. ex DC.) Ehrend.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Kotschy,C.G.T. Plantae Persiae australis 5781842-07-08 Iran, Islamic Republic of. Kohgīlūyeh va Bowyer Aḩmad. In rupestribus alpis Kuh-Daëna.LT W 1889-0227162
Crucianella gilanica subsp. kotschyi (Ehrend.) Ehrend.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Aucher-Eloy,P.M.R. Herbier d'Orient 679s.d.Armenia[crossed out] Persia occid.[added later]PT W 0076254
Crucianella gilanica subsp. kotschyi (Ehrend.) Ehrend.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Kotschy,C.G.T. Pl. alepp. kurd. moss. Ed. Hohenacker. 1843. 321 a1841-07-25 Iraq. Dahūk. α [Prugiari ...] Gara Kurdist.PT W 1889-0290537
Crucianella gilanica subsp. kotschyi (Ehrend.) Ehrend.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Kotschy,C.G.T. Pl. alepp. kurd. moss. Ed. Hohenacker. 1843. 321 a1841-07-25 Iraq. Dahūk. Ad parietes rupium m. Gara Kurdist.PT W 0076252
Crucianella gilanica subsp. kotschyi (Ehrend.) Ehrend.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Kotschy,C.G.T. Pl. alepp. kurd. moss. Ed. Hohenacker. 1843. 321 b1841-07-25 Iraq. Dahūk. Ad parietes rupium m. Gara Kurdist.PT W 0076253
  Crucianella gilanica subsp. glauca (A. Rich. ex DC.) Ehrend.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Bornmüller,J. J. Bornmüller: Iter Persico-turcicum 1892-93 13291893-06-23 Iraq. Arbīl. Kurdistania Assyriaca; Riwandous (ad fines Pers.) in m. Sakri-Sakran regione alpina. 2300m.s.m. DR 052852