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9 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Beloglottis costaricensis (Rchb. f.) Schltr.wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Oersted,A.S. s.n.s.d. Costa Rica. Costa Rica: NaranyodHT W 0022296
Beloglottis costaricensis (Rchb. f.) Schltr.wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Oersted,A.S. s.n.s.d. Costa Rica. sine locodT W 0350613
Beloglottis costaricensis (Rchb. f.) Schltr.Anonymous I 1-3s.d.sine loco W 0112497
Beloglottis costaricensis (Rchb. f.) Schltr.wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Liebmann 4221841-05 Mexico. Veracruz-Llave. in gram. humidis pr. Hacienda de Java Dept. Vera Cruz. W 0112498
Beloglottis costaricensis (Rchb. f.) Schltr.REFLORA provisional entry Brazil W 0350616
Beloglottis costaricensis (Rchb. f.) Schltr.REFLORA provisional entry Brazil W 0350615
Beloglottis costaricensis (Rchb. f.) Schltr.REFLORA provisional entry Brazil W 0350614
Beloglottis costaricensis (Rchb. f.) Schltr.REFLORA provisional entry Brazil W 0350613
Beloglottis costaricensis (Rchb. f.) Schltr.Index of Botanists (HUH) Schneider,M. 2971945-03-19 Colombia. Cundinamarca. An der Straße nach La Calera nord-östlich Bogotá MJG 045051