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14 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Azorella aretioides Willd. ex DC.wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Humboldt,A. von & Bonpland,A.J.A. 22591799in hummis Andium alpibus.IT
HAL 0026847
Azorella aretioides Willd. ex DC.Index of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Kostecková, V. 1-141995-05-12 Ecuador. Pichincha. NE slopes of Rucu Pichincha, transition between grass and shrub páramo PRC 435123
Azorella aretioides Willd. ex DC.Index of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. 73021999-06-19 Ecuador. Pichincha. Picnincha/Napo: Páramo de Guamaní, humid superparamo around the antennas PRC 400621
Azorella aretioides Willd. ex DC.Index of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Sklenářová,V. 34371997-08-18 Ecuador. Napo. NE side of Volcán Antisana PRC 435140
Azorella aretioides Willd. ex DC.Index of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. 91132006-10-23 Ecuador. Cotopaxi. Paramo de Quispicacha, eastern slope of Loma Pucyucuchu PRC 435128
Azorella aretioides Willd. ex DC.Index of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Sklenářová,V. 27981997-07-21 Ecuador. Napo. Volcán Antisana, rocky slopes on the W side of the mountain PRC 435131
Azorella aretioides Willd. ex DC.Index of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Sklenářová,V. 29951997-07-30 Ecuador. Chimborazo. Chimborazo/Morona Santiago: Cerros Yuibug - Pailacajas (4730 m a.s.l.), E side of the mountain ridge, species rich humid cushion superpáramo with Plantago rigida, Werneria humilis, and Azorella spp.,... PRC 435147
Azorella aretioides Willd. ex DC.Index of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Sklenářová,V. 37541997-09-06 Ecuador. Tungurahua. Cerro Hermoso, SW ridge of the mountain PRC 435145
Azorella aretioides Willd. ex DC.Kulíšek,P. K811999-07-16 Ecuador. Carchi. Volcán Chíles, near the road leading over the pass, 1,5 km SW from the top, grass paramo with Espeletia pycnophylla, camp in the depression, upper limit of Espelletia, under windy pass PRC 435144
Azorella aretioides Willd. ex DC.wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Laegaard,S. et al. 209612000-01-09 Ecuador. Azuay. Par. de Soldados, along small side-road ca 19 km above Soldados PRC 435143