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13 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Werneria humilis KunthKulíšek,P. K31999-07-28 Ecuador. Pichincha. Volcán Cotopaxi, on the NNE slope, near Quebrada Paniloma, left side of the valley in volcanic gorge and sloping plateau, lahars and pajonals PRC 435184
Werneria humilis KunthIndex of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Kostecková, V. 48-21995-06-22 Ecuador. Carchi. SW side of Volcán Chiles, sparse superpáramo vegetation on rocks PRC 435259
Werneria humilis KunthIndex of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Kostecková, V. 6221995-05-22 Ecuador. Carchi. Volcán Chileshumid superpáramo on SW slopes of the volcano on shallow sandy soil with rocks PRC 435256
Werneria humilis KunthIndex of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Sklenářová,V. 6041997-09-06 Ecuador. Tungurahua. Cerro Hermoso, SW ridge of the mountain PRC 435249
Werneria humilis KunthKulíšek,P. K671999-07-15 Ecuador. Carchi. Volcán Chíles, near the road leading over the pass, 1,5 km SW from the top, grass paramo with Espeletia pycnophylla, camp in the depression, upper limit of Espelletia, under windy pass PRC 436139
Werneria humilis KunthKulíšek,P. K1501999-07-15 Ecuador. Carchi. Volcán Chíles, near the road descending from the pass, 1,5 km SW from the top, grass paramo with Espeletia pycnophylla, 1 km N from the highest point of the road, upper part of the valley leading to... PRC 436133
Werneria humilis KunthKulíšek,P. K1021999-07-12 Ecuador. Carchi. Volcán Chíles, near the road leading over the pass, 4 km SE from the top, grass paramo with Espeletia pycnophylla, both sides of the road PRC 436127
Werneria humilis KunthIndex of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Sklenářová,V. 32461997-08-08 Ecuador. Tungurahua. Volcán Tungurahua, N side of the mountain, steep slope to the right of the trail to the summit, upper superpáramo with rich bryophyte cover PRC 436185
Werneria humilis KunthIndex of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. 73281999-06-28 Ecuador. Pichincha. Cotopaxi volcano, páramo vegetation on the N side of the mountain PRC 400724
Werneria humilis KunthIndex of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. 75081999-07-05 Ecuador. Chimborazo. W side of the Chimborazo volcano, superpáramo vegetation PRC 400747