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8 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Sanicula marilandica L.Neugebauer,G. s.n.2008-07-17 Canada. Manitoba. 62 G/10 (Manitoba), auf Mile 36 N, ca 1,1 km nach E von Kreuzung mit Route 244, dann auf Mile 47 W für ca. 1 km. Am Manitoba Escarpment, ca 6,6 km vom Abbruch, ca 1300 m asl W 2009-0011629
Sanicula marilandica L.Bull-Hereñu,K. 972009-05-13 Germany. Rheinland-Pfalz. Hortus Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität) MJG 004367
Sanicula marilandica L.wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) Wilkinson,E. s.n.1935-06-07 USA. Ohio. Flora of North America. Mansfield. Ohio. Woods thickets. BRNU 007453
Sanicula marilandica L.Goessl,Ch. s.n.1921-06-21 USA. Wisconsin. Amer. bor.: Elkhart Lake (Wisc.) BRNU 166779
Sanicula marilandica L.wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Heller,A.A. 17131894-05-05 USA. Texas. Plants of Southern Texas. At San Antonio, Bexar County. Elevation 600 feet [= ca 183 m] BRNU 172949
  Sanicula marilandica L.Anonymous collector s.n.s.d.sine loco DR 024790
Sanicula marilandica L.Ashcroft,G.B. s.n.1897-06 USA. Ohio. [label: Flora of The Western Reserve] Berea O. [Ohio] PI 053411
Sanicula marilandica L.Biltmore Herbarium Biltmore Herbarium 882 a1897-06-03 USA. North Carolina. Open woods, Biltmore, North Carolina PI 053412