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14 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
  Ornithogalum arcuatum Steven
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Sabeti 7781972-07-28 Iran, Islamic Republic of. Rezaiyeh Abshar, Alt.: 2200 m. B 10 0108793
Ornithogalum arcuatum Steven
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF ORCID Bionomia Vitek,E. et al. 13-00232013-06-12 Türkiye. Tunceli. Turkey, province Tunceli (Dersim), Ovacık, road Tunceli - Ovacık, c. 6.6 km EESE Ovacık, 0.35 km SE of bridge at mouth of side river W 0221771
Ornithogalum arcuatum Steven
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF ORCID Bionomia Vitek,E. et al. 13-02972013-06-17 Türkiye. Tunceli. Turkey, province Tunceli (Dersim), Pülümür, 39 km NE Tunceli, road to Kocatepe, southern part of Kovuklu W 0221773
Ornithogalum arcuatum Steven
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF ORCID Bionomia Vitek,E. & Yüce,E. 14-1462014-06-03 Türkiye. Tunceli. Turkey, province Tunceli (Dersim), Ovacık, road Tunceli - Ovacık, c. 6.2 km EESE Ovacık, 0.2 km W of bridge at mouth of side river W 0221772
Ornithogalum arcuatum Steven
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF ORCID Bionomia Vitek,E. & Yüce,E. 14-1552014-06-03 Türkiye. Tunceli. Turkey, province Tunceli (Dersim), Ovacık (Pulur), c. 18.3 km NE of Ovacik, c. 0.5 km NNE of small river dam, near locality called Şahverdi W 0221770
Ornithogalum arcuatum Steven
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Kozlowsky,W.1916-06-19 Georgia. Borjomis Raioni. Prov. Tiflis. Distr. Gori. Pag. Bakuriani. Near lake Dbazveli [Prov. Tiflis. Distr. Gori. Pag. Bakuriani. Близ оз. Дбазвели] TBI 1046159
Ornithogalum arcuatum Steven
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Anonow,A.1923-07-22 Georgia. Borjomis Raioni. Surroundings of Borjomi, near lake Tseros-tba [Окр. Боржома, у оз. Церос-тба] TBI 1046163
Ornithogalum arcuatum Steven
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Kozlowsky,W.1917-##-## Georgia. Borjomis Raioni. Prov. Tiflis. Distr. Gori. Surroundings of Borjomi Near lake Kakhis-tba (culture of the Botanical Garden) [Prov. Tiflis. Distr. Gori. Окр. Боржома У оз. Кахисъ-тба (култ. б�... TBI 1046340
Ornithogalum arcuatum Steven
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Bush,E.A. & Bush,N.A.1932-07-30 Armenia. Aragatsotn. Alagez the forestry near Lower Kosha-bulag. Haying field near Eshek-maidan tract [Алагез лесничество бл. Нижнего Коша-булага. Сенокосеый луг близ �... TBI 1046497
Ornithogalum arcuatum Steven
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Akinfiev,I. [Акинфиев,И.]1897-04-15 Russian Federation. Stavropol'skiy Kray. Beshtau [Бештау]; 3000' (914,63 m) TBI 1046570