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3 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Hibbertia hypericoides (DC.) Benth.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Froebe,H.A., Claßen,R. 6611985-09-10 Australia. South Australia. 45 km westlich York, on South Highway, (Da) MJG 026011
Hibbertia hypericoides (DC.) Benth.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Froebe,H.A., Claßen,R. 2631985-08-24 Australia. South Australia. zwischen Darlington und Glen Forrest, (Da) MJG 026012
Hibbertia hypericoides (DC.) Benth.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Preiss,J.A.L. 21321839-03-31 Australia. in arenosis prope oppidum Perth HBG 0507146