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2 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Heterotheca oregona (Nutt.) ShinnersHalse,Richard R. 70822006-09-29 USA. Oregon. Oregon, Curry Co.: Along Jerrys Flat Road ca. 6 miles E of Gold Beach at the Jim Hunt Recreation Area on the S bank of the Rogue River; N 42.46798° W 124.34262° WGS84 GZU 252777
Heterotheca oregona (Nutt.) ShinnersHalse,Richard R. 20431979-08-01 USA. Oregon. Oregon, Linn Co.: Just NE of Corvallis, 3 miles N of State Hwy. 34 on Riverside Drive and 1.3 miles west. T 11S R 04W Sec 20 MJG 032294