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3 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Gentianella longibarbata (Gilg) FabrisJörgensen,P. et al. 20882000-01-04 Ecuador. Azuay. Parque Nacional Cajas. Road Cuenca-Sayausi-Molleturo, km 38.4. From the pass to the top of ridge North of pass MJG 019727
Gentianella longibarbata (Gilg) FabrisIndex of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Sklenářová,V. 25941997-07-13 Ecuador. Azuay. Cajas National Park, E flanks and summit area of Cerro Amarillo (4451 m a.s.l.), lower superpáramo with shrubs of Loricaria spp. and cushions of Azorella spp., and Werneria humilis with patches of sp... PRC 428544
Gentianella longibarbata (Gilg) FabrisIndex of Botanists (HUH) Sklenář,P. & Sklenářová,V. 24531997-07-13 Ecuador. Azuay. Cajas National Park, E flanks of Cerro Amarillo (4451 m a.s.l.), transition from the grass páramo of Calamagrostis intermedia and lower superpáramo formed by shrubs of Loricaria spp. and cushions of... PRC 428543