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6 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Distimake kentrocaulos (C. B. Clarke) A. R. Simões & StaplesSantini,S. 12152014-10-19 Uganda. Off the road from Pakor to Omiya Pacwa, westwards. In Agago District (former Pader), Agago County, Paimol S/C, Mutu Parish, Lucum West Village. FT 005183
Distimake kentrocaulos (C. B. Clarke) A. R. Simões & StaplesPappi,A. 30611902-11-06 Eritrea. Dembesan: Az Teelesan-Alibaret FT 005217
Distimake kentrocaulos (C. B. Clarke) A. R. Simões & StaplesFriis,I. et al. 126312006-11-05 Ethiopia. WG (Floristic region in Fl. Ethiopia & Eritrea), 5 km S of Sinkole Village towards Asosa. FT 005184
Distimake kentrocaulos (C. B. Clarke) A. R. Simões & StaplesFiori,A. 15031909-03-18 Eritrea. Seraé. Tra Chenafená e Godofelassì ad Arresà. FT 005218
Distimake kentrocaulos (C. B. Clarke) A. R. Simões & StaplesBeccari,N. 1901905-11-07 Eritrea. Mai Gara[...]ot FT 005219
Distimake kentrocaulos (C. B. Clarke) A. R. Simões & StaplesPappi,A. 9671902-10-25 Eritrea. Maragus: Mai Zagaregh FT 005220