JACQ is the jointly administered herbarium management system and specimen database of the following herbaria: ADMONT, B, BAK, BATU, BEOU, BOZ, BP, BRNM, BRNU, CBH, CHER, DR, ERE, FT, GAT, GJO, GZU, HAJB, HAL, HBG, HERZ, JE, KFTA, KIEL, KL, KUFS, LAGU, LECB, LW, LWKS, LWS, LZ, MHES, MJG, MNVD, NBSI, NS, NSK, OLD, PAV, PI, PIAGR, PR, PRC, ROPV, SARAT, SIENA, SPP, SZU, TBI, TGM, TGU, TMRC, TO, TUB, UBT, ULM, UPA, W, WU and WUP.
Listed Acronyms follow the Index Herbariorum Abbreviations. For requests and comments on specimens like identifications, typification, and comments please contact the corresponding Director/Curator listed in the Index Herbariorum.
The JACQ system has been populated with identifiers from external resources for people and scientific names. On the basis of these identifiers external portals can be reached directly by clicking on the respective icon(s) for a given entity.
The Search is not case sensitive.
Fields are automatically linked by AND
For partial strings the % sign can be used as a wildcard
Queries for a Genus can be sent as "genus name" "blank space" and the "%" sign: Searchstring "Oncidum %" yields all data for Oncidium.
Typing the initial Letters for "genus" and "epithet" are sufficient as Search Criteria: "p bad" yields all Taxa where genus starts with "p" and Epithet starts with "bad". Results include e.g. p badia Hepp, Peziza badia Pers. or Poa badensis Haenke ex Willd.
Search on Synonymy has been implemented for nomenclatural and taxonomic questions. If the "incl. syn." checkbox is activated (default), known nomenclatural and taxonomic synonyms will be returned with the search result