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167 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Arbesser s.n.1913-05 Austria. Steiermark. Steiermark: St. Peter bei Graz GZU 000024862
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Eysn,M. s.n.1###-06 Austria. Salzburg. Salzburg: Heuberg GZU
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Willing,R. & Willing,E. 1420712005-06-01 Greece. Kardítsa. Kardítsa, NO Pevkofyto
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Willing,R. & Willing,E. 820162000-04-30 Greece. Kardítsa. Kardítsa, Kardhitsis, 1,6 km N Kryopigi
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Willing,R. & Willing,E. 22049 D2007-04-21 Germany. Sachsen-Anhalt. Sachsen-Anhalt, S Chörau
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Willing,R. & Willing,E. 23524 D2008-05-13 Germany. Sachsen-Anhalt. Sachsen-Anhalt, NO Mosigkau, Diederings Fichten
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Willing,R. & Willing,E. 24333 D2008-05-26 Germany. Sachsen-Anhalt. Sachsen-Anhalt, SW Aken
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Willing,R. & Willing,E. 24385 D2008-05-29 Germany. Sachsen-Anhalt. Sachsen-Anhalt, NW Tornau
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Willing,R. & Willing,E. 26725 D2011-05-23 Germany. Sachsen-Anhalt. Sachsen-Anhalt, NW Klieken
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Knickmann,B. et al. s.n.2011-09-14 Austria. Niederösterreich. Niederösterreich, Thunau S Gars am Kamp WU