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2 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Chrysogonum virginianum L.
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
Atha,D. et al. 154282016-05-11 USA. New York. USA, New York, NY Co., New York City, Central Park, Ramble, between 76th and 77th streets and between 6th and 7th Ave, 40.777330N 73.969315W (WGS84, ±25m) [40°46'46.46"N 73°58'25.27"W], 30 m. W 2018-0004506
Chrysogonum virginianum var. dentatum A. GraySudworth,G.B. s.n.1888-05-20 USA. District of Columbia. [label: Smithsonian Institution. From The United States National Herbarium] Plants of the District of Columbia and vicinity PI 036698