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4 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Chloraea cylindrostachya Poepp.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Poeppig,E.F. 768 8361828-12 Chile. Bío-Bío. Chile aust. Locus saxosis ad pedum mont. ignivomi Antuco versus Castillo d. Tvun Leuvu.T W 0047589
Chloraea cylindrostachya Poepp.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Poeppig,E.F. s.n.1829 Chile. Bío-Bío. Andes de Antuco. Chile.T W 0047590
Chloraea cylindrostachya Poepp.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Poeppig,E.F. 768 8361828-12 Chile. Bío-Bío. Chile austral. Locis saxosis ad pedum montis ignivomi Antuco versus Castillo de Tvun Leuvu.T W 0047591
Chloraea cylindrostachya Poepp.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Anonymous collector 36s.d. HBG 0500929