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8 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Bouteloua barbata var. sonorae (Griffiths) Gould
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Palmer,E. 7511890 Mexico. MexicoPT W 1916-0025758
Bouteloua barbata var. rothrockii (Vasey) Gould
Rothrock,J. T. s.n.1874 USA. Arizona. ArizonaTp W 1916-0025719
Bouteloua barbata var. barbata Lag.wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Palmer,E. s.n.1887 Mexico. MexicoTp W 1916-0030516
Bouteloua barbata Lag.
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Berlandier,J.L. 842s.d. Mexico. MexicoIT W 0026342
Bouteloua barbata Lag.
wikidata VIAF ORCID Bionomia Chiapella,J. & Vitek,E. 2286 09-03012009-01-16 Argentina. San Juan. Argentina, Prov. San Juan, Dept. Calingasta, S of Calingasta, besides road 406, near bridge over river San Juan at Sorocayense W 2009-0018889
Bouteloua barbata Lag.
wikidata VIAF ORCID Bionomia Chiapella,J. & Vitek,E. 2334 09-03492009-01-17 Argentina. San Juan. Argentina, Prov. San Juan, Dept. Calingasta, road 425 from Villa Nueva nach Los Colorades, Sierra de la Grucecita W 2009-0019121
Bouteloua barbata Lag.
Peterson,P.M. & Annable,C.R. 121561992-09-26 USA. Utah. San Juan: 2.3 mi W of Hwy 261 on Hwy 316 towards Goosenecks State Park. FT 005375
Bouteloua barbata Lag.
wikidata VIAF ORCID Bionomia Chiapella,J. & Vitek,E. 2286 09-03012009-01-16 Argentina. San Juan. Argentina, Prov. San Juan, Dept. Calingasta, S of Calingasta, besides road 406, near bridge over river San Juan at Sorocayense. 1575 m s. m. 313321 S & 692719 W BRNU 613735