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2 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Bactris hondurensis Standl.
Olbrecht,E. 33482002-04-18 Costa Rica. Puntarenas. Puntarenas/Golfito; P.N. Piedras Blancas, Sendero Fila (near the Tropenstation La Gamba). 8°41' N, 83°13' W. Alt. 200 m. WU 0026467
  Bactris hondurensis Standl.
Solano,D. et al. 61842010-03-25 Costa Rica. Limón. Limón: Valle La Estrella. On trail to Point 2, forest close to edge of field adjoining Bananito Lodge. Disturbed forest with many remnant trees. Canopy to 25 m, dbh 30-80 cm. B 10 1145709