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8 records found
Taxon Collector Date Location Typus Collection Herb.# Lat/Lon
Anogeissus dhofarica A. J. Scott
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) Hein,P. 67261999-11-23 Yemen. Al Mahrah. Yemen, gov. Al Mahra, coastal mountains between Al Faydami and Hawf, upper escarpment to the Jabal Chatan, sea facing vertical cliffs and ledges, alt. 950-1150 m, 16°39'N, 52°58'E. W 2015-0017118
Anogeissus dhofarica A. J. Scott
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) Hein,P. 79872000-11-08 Yemen. Al Mahrah. Yemen, gov. Al Mahra, 15 km W of Fatk, southern flank of Jabal Faydami, E of the highest peak (c 900 m), alt. 350-450 m, 16°30'N, 52°35'E. W 2015-0017112
Anogeissus dhofarica A. J. Scott
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) Hein,P. 81012000-11-13 Yemen. Al Mahrah. Yemen, gov. Al Mahra, coastal mountains between Al Faydami and Hawf, N of Jadib, 2.plateau (near Ain Ayn, below the path to the khatrrf Argif), limestone rocks and loamy substrate. alt. 690 m, 16°39'... W 2015-0017111
Anogeissus dhofarica A. J. Scott
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) Hein,P. 5176/771998-10-03 Oman. Oman, Dhiofar, SE facing slopes of the Jabal Qara along the track between Raysut and Qaftawt, dense Anogeissus-Commiphora woodland, alt. 350-650 m, 17°03'N, 53°54'E. W 2015-0017110
Anogeissus dhofarica A. J. Scott
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) Hein,P. 80692000-11-12 Yemen. Al Mahrah. Yemen, gov. Al Mahra, coastal montains between Al Faydami and Hawf, plateau and slopes N of the village Damqawt, alt. 400 m; 16°34'N, long 52°48'E. W 2015-0017105
Anogeissus dhofarica A. J. Scott
wikidata Escobar García,P. 1155/152015-09-27 Oman. Z̧ufār. Oman, Dhofar, Taquah. Wadi Darbat, escarpment foot, 17,088178 N, 54,441234 E W 2016-0000778
Anogeissus dhofarica A. J. Scott
wikidata Escobar García,P. 1155/152015-09-27 Oman. Z̧ufār. Oman, Dhofar, Taquah. Wadi Darbat, escarpment foot, 17,088178 N, 54,441234 E W 2016-0000779
Anogeissus dhofarica A. J. Scott
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) Hein,P. 69171999-11-26 Yemen. Al Mahrah. Yemen, gov. Al Mahra, Jabal Fartak between Haswayn and Al Ghaydah, SW-facing slopes of the mountain and plateau with the station, alt. 650-950 m, 15°50'N 52°00'E. W 2016-0012120