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117 records found
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Althaea cannabina L.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) ORCID Bionomia Willing,R. & Willing,E. 859172000-07-26 Greece. Pélla. Pélla, Edhessis, SO Karydia
Althaea cannabina L.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) ORCID Bionomia Willing,R. & Willing,E. 856742000-07-25 Greece. Flórina. Flórina, Florinis, W Amindeo
Althaea cannabina L.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) ORCID Bionomia Willing,R. & Willing,E. 834382000-07-16 Greece. Ioánnina. Ioánnina, Dhodhonis, 6,1 km SW Tristeno
Althaea cannabina L.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) ORCID Bionomia Willing,R. & Willing,E. 832612000-07-16 Greece. Ioánnina. Ioánnina, Dhodhonis, 6,9 km O Klimatia
Althaea cannabina L.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) ORCID Bionomia Willing,R. & Willing,E. 76701989-06-30 Greece. Pélla. Pélla, Edhessis, Kajmakcalan, 3,5 km SO Nisi
Althaea cannabina L.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) ORCID Bionomia Willing,R. & Willing,E. 707941998-07-28 Greece. Kastoriá. Kastoriá, Kastorias, N Kastoria
Althaea cannabina L.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) ORCID Bionomia Willing,R. & Willing,E. 694551998-07-23 Greece. Ioánnina. Ioánnina, Konitsis, W Ag. Paraskevi
Althaea cannabina L.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) ORCID Bionomia Willing,R. & Willing,E. 687771998-07-20 Greece. Ioánnina. Ioánnina, Konitsis, S Pigi
Althaea cannabina L.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) ORCID Bionomia Willing,R. & Willing,E. 667831998-07-13 Greece. Ioánnina. Ioánnina, Konitsis, SW Doliana
Althaea cannabina L.
IPNI (K) Plants of the World Online / POWO (K)
Euro + Med Checklist (B)
wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) ORCID Bionomia Willing,R. & Willing,E. 492581996-07-14 Greece. Kardítsa. Kardítsa, Kardhitsis, 2,2 km NNO Pefkofito