Stable identifier
Herbarium # WU
Collection # WU
Stored under taxonname Phelipanche heldreichii (Reut.) Beck   tropicos
Family Orobanchaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned P. Schönswetter & C. Gilli (2014-06-30): Phelipanche cf. heldreichii
Ident. history P. Schönswetter & C. Gilli (2014-06-30): Phelipanche cf. heldreichii
Collector wikidata ORCID Gilli,C. et al. 2014-06-30_85-195 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 2014-06-30
Türkiye / Erzurum — 39.53608° / 40.95394°
Label Turkey, Erzurum province, Çat district, roadside on D950 between Bingöl and Erzurum; about 1.6 km NW Çirişli Köyü. ; Alt. 1850 m
Habitat Xerothermic grassland.
Habitus Host unknown.
Annotations DNA-Voucher.
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