Stable identifiers
Herbarium # W 1929-0005961
Collection # W-E. Khek
Stored under taxonname Ophrys omegaifera H. Fleischm. subsp. fleischmannii (Hayek) Del Prete   tropicos
Family Orchidaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned annot. L. Pignotti (W) 2012-04
Ident. history orig.: Ophrys heldreichii; M. Pawlik (W) 1984: !; annot. L. Pignotti 2012-04: = Ophrys omegaifera subsp. fleischmannii
Isotypus of Ophrys heldreichii H. Fleischm.
Österr. Bot. Z. 74 (7-9): 182-183; tab. 2 fig. 6 (1925-07)
Typified by: M. Pawlik 1984
Current Name: Ophrys omegaifera H. Fleischm. subsp. fleischmannii (Hayek) Del Prete
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Dörfler,I. Iter Creticum 1904 (I. Dörfler) 154 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date 1904-03-03
Location Greece
Label Kreta, distr. Khania. Aterotiri. Karstboden bei Hag. Triada.
Annotations Chartotheca Typorum

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